Words to Enlighten and Inspire!

Some transitions seem clearly defined; others, not so much. I’ve spent the last 11 years studying, working toward, and creating the path through which I can share what I have been learning about Yoga and Ayurveda with friends, family, and clients ~ and those I have not yet met.

Prana Veda Yoga and Ayurveda is the medium through which this is happening: offering Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle consultations, yoga classes, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, vegetarian cooking classes, meditation instruction, and workshops for individuals and groups.

Through today’s tools of social networking and electronic media, we have amazing opportunities to share information, inspire self-inquiry, and just plain old “learn something” from our fellow planet-mates. I hope you enjoy learning about Ayurveda, Yoga ~ and life! ~ through these sends.